
40 One Sentence Thoughts on Minimalism

  1. Minimalism is the practice of relentlessly trimming bullshit — physical and otherwise.
  2. Happiness that fades the fastest is the sort that comes with a monthly payment.
  3. Quality over quantity is the way.
  4. You don’t need more storage, you need fewer things.
  5. Storage is a holding area for things you should simply get rid of.
  6. Most clutter is a result of indecision.
  7. ‘Just in case’ rarely happens.
  8. No one ever died thinking they should have bought more stuff.
  9. You don’t need to keep your diploma.
  10. You can wear the same outfit every day because no one cares and most won’t notice.
  11. Shopping is not a hobby.
  12. Cheap consumer products are merely transitory trash on a journey to the landfill.
  13. Minimalism and discomfort are not mutually exclusive.
  14. If you have a favorite something, it means you have other things you could probably get rid of.
  15. If you haven’t used it in the last 6 months you probably won’t use it in the next 6 months.
  16. No one is impressed by your stuff as much as you are.
  17. The cost of things goes far beyond their initial purchase price.
  18. You can have what some never will and that thing is ‘enough’.
  19. Holding onto things you no longer need is a form of living in the past.
  20. Corporations and the advertising industry tricked the world into endlessly chasing its tail.
  21. Most of the things we hang onto for the sake of past investment are subject to the sunk-cost fallacy.
  22. Attachment is suffering.
  23. An economy based upon ever-increasing consumption is only sustainable at the expense of consumers.
  24. You can opt-out.
  25. Wanting, envy, and social conditioning fools us into spending money we desperately need on things we certainly do not.
  26. Your possessions shouldn’t cause stress.
  27. If you are not a happy person, there is nothing you can buy that will change that in the long term.
  28. A person can add to their life by subtracting the superfluous areas that drain time and energy.
  29. The goal of productivity shouldn’t be to get more done, but to have less to do.
  30. A well-designed life is one designed for sustainability.
  31. Things are a poor substitute for a personality.
  32. You can edit your life by removing the things that drain your energy like people, tasks, and clutter.
  33. If it causes a problem, it is a problem.
  34. Visual clutter is mind pollution.
  35. Storage bins are not the answer for things you don’t use or need.
  36. A life of living with less is a life that is full of the things that truly matter.
  37. Consumerism is a hamster wheel of spending and earning instead of actually living.
  38. You can be a sentimental person without holding on to trinkets.
  39. A growth-centered life is one that embraces letting go.
  40. It takes very little to be a happy person.